Not finished but it will have to do for now...
My best go at traditional western style, one that has been growing on me since I began to
get to know some of its greater proponents. I tried to stick to the principals...
Still, I cant seem to keep my own style out of it.
The classic roses, a coverup for some youthful sillyness... :)
I tried a coupel of different versions: brass knuckles, pistol,
plain flowers, music... I hope she goes for this sparrow draft :)
It has been a good night.
I remember a while back, stressing over finishing a project for christmas
I stepped out on invites to the Hendrix house to unwind for a sec with the Primos...
Spent some time, but sadly needed to get home to finish producing my holiday gift certificates...
Then occured to me, hey, i can do it here.
Despite my best judgement and repeated attepts to gain "discipline" as a personal habit...
I borrow Banding's laptop and go to work, amids numerous distractions, on a project I had been
struggling for weeks to "find the time for."
And to my great surprise, got the project done.
I remember reflecting that night:
This is the way art should be done.
Not stressing over deadlines, bed-times, client constrains, or tommorrow mornings.
Couple beers,
couple drinks, little music (Selector Brez on the digi)
Good company, laughs and goofs, just enough seriousness to get the project done.
I was totally new to the idea- art for fun? Without a client or a boss or a customer... ?
Less business, less design, more fun, more art.
This is the way that ART is done.
This is another one of those nights.
With a noon appointment for tommorrow, for a piece I have just a sillhouette and 6-day old consult
rough idea, for; I find myself sitting with my sweetheart, downloading pics, catching up on memories.
Work coming in and out of focus to Yuko's mirthful soundtrack of self-sung songs,
giggling as she blogs and posts our pics.
Amids distractions numerous and pleasant,
Sketches and ideas freely flow, random bursts of home improvement, compulsive organizing,
("nesting??") scrapbooking
the "found art"-
the scattered loose leaf and sketches, to be found everywhere, evidence and aftermath of a recent
brainstorm, it develops.
Frequent stops to add to the growing list of "Important Things To Do Right Now"
As my memory pulls more of them from the cloud that has become my subconscious
in the blast of the life-altering news this new year.
Business Plan...
Spring collection...
Fashion design
Gallery Run...
New years update...
The new year's entire list of priorities shifted back several steps (And several weeks) by
this newest, greatest one, and the subsequent dependant necessities.
It has been a dreamy, dreamy few weeks.
at times fitful, at times frantic, sometimes calm, sometimes fantastic... but altogether dreamy.
At last to bed, tired, and satisfied, projects complete...
A few drafts on the board... a few more drafts than planned...
I've always found the hand is quick and sure, almost to the point of seeming carelessness
the mind deliberate and painstaking, methodical and curious.
Exploring every graphic possibility... finding that cure.
I hope she goes for the sparrow draft.
Sweet Dreams.