This "Morning" I woke up and saw that it was about 11:00, and decided it was a good sleeping in day.
I got out of bed off to a good start, got two panels built for a black abstract tryptich that ive been working on...
It was hot outside. Like sweating through your shirt in minutes, dont touch anything metal, sweltering hot. I took a break to rebuild the resolve to get this done, today, and then went back, determined...
Disaster struck when I broke the drill bit off in the third panel.
The ends wouldnt square up right- probably result of a dull jig-saw blade instead of a proper miter. (Shortcuts :( and I was already frustrated with it, but wanted to get it done.
I decided to hammer the nail in anyway, hoping it would push the drill bit fragment the rest of the way through. The nail deflected came out the side of the frame, bent, and then got hammered sideways into the soft wood panel.
Frustrated, I "Accidentally" "dropped" the hammer through it.
I immediately regretted it, and realizing that this it is not at ALL like me to have such "accidental" "accidents", I deduced that I am probably suffering from some combination of
a) dehydration
b) not having eaten anything yet today
c) 207 degree temperatures on a concrete balcony.
d) heatstroke
and it is whittling away at my patience since 1 pm.
So I decided it was time to take an Onimusha break.